Category Archives: WordPress

January 28, 2013

By Kevin

Categories: PHP, Plugin, Verve SSL, WordPress

Verve SSL 2.0 Released – Completely redesigned!

I released version 2.0 of Verve SSL today.  I completely redesigned the plugin using on PHP code and no JavaScript code.  This makes the plugin have better performance and compatibility with WordPress and third party WordPress plugins. You can download the plugin here.



December 3, 2012

By Kevin

Categories: JavaScript, PHP, Plugin, Verve SSL, WordPress

Verve SSL 1.4.5 Released

I released version 1.4.5 of Verve SSL yesterday.  I updated the doctype so that the plugin will have better compatible with Internet Explorer.  You can download the plugin here.



August 24, 2012

By Kevin

Categories: JavaScript, PHP, Plugin, Verve SSL, WordPress

Verve SSL 1.4.4 Released

I released version 1.4.4 of Verve SSL yesterday.  I updated the code so that the  plugin will be bypassed and a message will be displayed on the top of the login page if JavaScript is disabled.  It will allow you to login with JavaScript disabled but it will not be a secure login.  If Javascript is enabled the plugin works as normal.  You can download the plugin here.



April 27, 2012

By Kevin

Categories: JavaScript, PHP, Plugin, Verve SSL, WordPress

Verve SSL 1.4.3 Released

I released version 1.4.3 of Verve SSL today, it includes code optimizations making the code better and faster when processing the case of the URL. You can download the plugin here.


April 22, 2012

By Kevin

Categories: JavaScript, PHP, Plugin, Verve SSL, WordPress

Verve SSL 1.4.2 has been released

I released version 1.4.2 of Verve SSL this week, it includes enhancements making the plugin URL case insensitive. You can download the plugin here.


January 30, 2012

By Kevin

Categories: Verve SSL, WordPress

Tags: , ,

Verve SSL – A WordPress Plugin

I just wrote my first WordPress plugin called Verve SSL. It is a SSL plugin for WordPress login and administration. You can read more about it and download it at the plugin page here.


January 27, 2012

By Kevin

Categories: PHP, WordPress

Tags: , , ,

How To: Automatically Change Year in a WordPress Theme footer

A few days ago I wanted to add the year to the copyright porition of the footer of my WordPress theme. To do this I added the following code to the footer.php of my theme.

  <p>Copyright &#169; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <a href="">Kevin Verver</a>.</p>

The great thing about this code is that it will change the year automatically each year so that you don’t have to remember to update it yourself.


December 17, 2011

By Kevin

Categories: JavaScript, WordPress

Tags: ,

WordPress SSL Administration and Login

I wanted to configure my WordPress blog so that it would use SSL for the WordPress login and for the Administration Dashboard.  I found plugins that would achieve this for me but it would not redirect back to HTTP when not on the login page or the administration dashboard.

To accomplish this I wrote a script that checks the location.pathname to see if it matches the regular expression “.*wp-.*”. This way it will only find a match if on the login page or the administration dashboard. I then created the next script to use if you browse the site while logged in. It changed the protocol to HTTPS, I made it all work by putting the PHP script in the wp-config.php that checks if logged in and then calls the scripts.


<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var protocol = location.protocol;
var hostname = location.hostname;
var pathname = location.pathname;
var href = location.href;
var wpAdminMatch = location.pathname.match(".*wp-.*");
if (protocol == "http:" && pathname == wpAdminMatch) { protocol = "https:"; location.replace(protocol + "//" + hostname + pathname) }
else if (protocol == "https:" && pathname != wpAdminMatch) { protocol = "http:"; location.replace(protocol + "//" + hostname + pathname) };
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var protocol = location.protocol;
var hostname = location.hostname;
var pathname = location.pathname;
var href = location.href;
if (protocol == "http:" ) { protocol = "https:"; location.replace(protocol + "//" + hostname + pathname) } else { };
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$feed_url ='';
$feed_secure_url ='';
if (0 == $current_user->ID && $URI != $feed_url && $URI != $feed_secure_url) {
    echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="/blog/sslcheck.js"></script>';
else if ($URI != $feed_url && $URI != $feed_secure_url) {
     echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="/blog/ssllogin.js"></script>';